Need to take care of a ticket? View and pay Court citations online using Visa or MasterCard.
Need more information? Click here to learn about payment options and more.
Garbage Can Storage Per City ordinance, trash and recycling containers are to be stored to the side or rear of a residence. You are also able to put trash, recycling, and bulk items out at the curb at 7 a.m. the day prior to pickup. After pickup, trash and recycle containers are to be returned to their storage location no later than 7 a.m. the following day.
Online Account Set up an online account to view and pay Utility Billing accounts online using Visa, MasterCard, Amex, or Discover. Once your account is set up all you have to do is log in.
Bank Drafting Sign up for bank drafting and let us do the work for you. We can draft your payment from your checking or savings account so you don't have to remember, click here to complete the form.
Electric The City of Corinth is offering residents the opportunity to benefit from volume buying of power in order to lower individual monthly bills with the Texas Power Switch/Corinth Power Switch. For more details click here.
Recycled Paint Program The City of Corinth and Community Waste Disposal have partnered to create a recycled paint program to provide free, recycled paint to Corinth residents for use in beautifying Corinth homes and neighborhoods. Click here for more information.
Water Incentive Program Click here to find out if you qualify for our Water Conservation Incentive Program.
Free Irrigation Check Up Upper Trinity Regional Water District offers free irrigation system check-ups from spring through summer, click here for more information.
Changing Password From any application page, click the Member Profile button at the top of the screen. If you are not logged in, you are prompted to log in before you can continue. Choose the My Profile tab and click Edit Profile. Makes changes and click Save Profile.
Service Interruption If your service has been interrupted for nonpayment, please call customer service for reconnection at (940) 498-3202.
Water/Sewer Emergency If you are experiencing after-hours water or sewer emergency please contact Public Works at (940) 465-6698.